Sunday, 18 February 2018

KOFI SUPREME throws shots at FLOWKING STONE over his Ebony tribute

This Kumasi Old Gee rapper who seems to be out of the game for a while recently took to his facebook to jab Flowking Stone over his recent Ebony tribute. 

As to if Kofi has a problem with Flowing Stone or not we can not say it looks like he has been throwing shots at the Flow King for some time now. The rapper has made two different facebook posts so far which directly jabs artists who made a tribute song for Ebony. Apparently in Kofi's mind these so called rappers are "Tribute rappers" and are just looking to ride on Ebony's death to get fame and recognition.

Check out Kofi Supreme's facebook posts from below
Kofi Supreme made this post on thursday- calling certain group of artists tribute musicians. Okay we've been away for a while but definitely there are two major tribute songs from two Oseikrom artists, one from Flowking himself and the other from G Ranks. But seems Kofi's target was Flowking. Follow the next screenshot and see for yourself where he went directly at Flowking.
Seems like Kofi Supreme has a problem with Flowking Stone but well that cannot be emphatically stated. But in his recent post which was going directly at Flowking he seems to think his tribute was not a tribute but a judgement song. He thinks he heard Flowking say in the song "hw3 de3 bra bone ay3 wo" which means "see what bad life did to you" Whether that is what Flowking said or not well you be the judge. listen to the song below and judge for yourself 

FLOWKING STONE - Maame Hw3 (Ebony Tribute)

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