Friday 24 June 2016


Two of the most famous beat makers out of Kumasi now PRINX PAPPI & TUBHANI BEATZ DENSWAG are in some sort of rivalry. I have personally been following these two producers keenly for a while now. I have reallised that the two throw subs at each other on the low on facebook. I just wasn't sure until finally I made a conclusion today.

 Well as to what is the source of this bitter rivalry I personally can not tell. How I made my conclusion that the two are beefing is very simple. Yesterday one of Kumasi's young talent SLIM KHALA dropped a track titled "mmmm" produced by DENSWAG as everyone calls him. In the track SLIM KHALA playfully makes funny comments about some of his friends and the known names in the Kumasi music scene, where he made a comment about PRINX PAPPI in the track. Pappi seems not to be comfortable with comment passed about him. He posted a pic today on instagram which seem to be a sub to both SLIM KHALA and the producer of the track DENSWAG. Followed by another post by one of Pappi's affiliates. Check it out below.

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